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Logo with text "Sunday Celebration" in black

We believe that Worship, Word and the Ministry of the Holy Spirit are vital to the growth of any church. We place a high value on coming together in the presence of the King and having fellowship over a good cup of coffee and doughnuts after the service. We meet every Sunday morning 9:30am at our Edenvale site & Orchards site to celebrate together.


Psalm 35:18 (NIV) I will give You thanks in the great assembly; among throngs of people I will praise You.” 

Multicoloured "Lighthouse KIDS" logo

Our children’s ministry runs concurrently with our Sunday Celebration. They have loads of fun while receiving good Biblical teaching.


Our slogan for Lighthouse Kids is “Children Excited about God”, it is our goal to facilitate this exuberance into a real love for God and desire to serve His kingdom.


Luke 2:51 – 52 "Then he went down to Nazareth with them and was obedient to them. But his mother treasured all these things in her heart. And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.”

Logo for Isaiah 58. The number 58 with "-ISAIAH-" across the middle

This ministry is founded on Isaiah 58:7 “Share your food with the hungry” We have the privilege of feeding close to a hundred homeless men every Friday in the Orchards Area. We see this ministry as part of our reaching out to the city. Jesus didn’t just come for a specific race, class or age group.


We want to follow His example and reach out to each person who needs Jesus in their life. We provide a meal to the men who day after day look for working opportunities outside our walls in Louis Rd. 

Logo for Victory Weekend in black text

Victory Weekend is a time where we trust God to set people free in areas where they have struggled to have victory. It's dedicated to establishing a life-long walk with God and encountering the freedom and power that comes from Him.

Logo for Ladies Book Club with a book showing flowers growing out of it.

Ladies Book Club is our book club for ladies. We share our books and our lives during this time, so join us for an uplifting time together.


Psalm 133:1 (MSG )How wonderful, how beautiful, when … sisters get along”

Apostolic input logo in black text

Apostolic Input Weekends are big rock events where we receive input into the life of our church. We encourage all members of Lighthouse to put these dates into your calendars and attend as we expect God to speak to us and minister to us.

Apostolic Trips logo in black text

Apostolic Trips are part of us being a Base Church. God has called us to be a blessing to other local churches in South Africa as well as other parts of the world.


It is for this reason that we go and fulfill Jesus' call to go and make disciples. Check out our calendar to see if there are any trips you would be keen to be a part of.

Kingdom Business Advnace Logo with a Blue circle offset to the left

Advance is a breakfast for business men and women. Join us as we discuss how to advance God’s Kingdom in the workplace.


Please visit our Connection Station or contact us on: 011 485 3340 for more information.

Mens group logo in black text

The men in the church meet early in the mornings to fellowship, become better men in Christ, grow in their knowledge of God and maturity, build relationships with other men in the church, worship and pray, and get into the word.

These times are truly vital as they are discipled, directed, encouraged, strengthened, changed, and transformed to be more like Christ.


Bruce’s mens group meets on a Tuesday & Thursday morning at 06:00 am.

Get Plugged In logo in back text "Plug" and "ged" are joined by plug icons in the logo

Get Plugged in is our membership course where we take guests and attendees through our vision, values, constitution and more to see if Lighthouse would be a good fit as their church family.

Money Matters logo in black text.

Money Matters is a course where we look at Kingdom principles in the area of our finances.


Isaiah 48:17 (NIV) “I am the Lord your God, who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go.”



Office No: +27 11 485 3340 

Fax No: +27 11 640 4078



13 Louis Rd, Orchards, Johannesburg, 2196

Internships through Ignite Leadership Academy 



Edenvale Site

Date: Sundays 9:30 am

Address: 11 Sunrock Close.

Germiston, 1401.



Orchards Site

Date: Sundays 9:30 am 

Address: 13 Louis Rd, Orchards.

Johannesburg, 2196.


Lighthouse To The  Nations Church - Copyright 2023/24 - by WEBCODE

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